7 Continents

7 Continents of The World

Supercontinent Pangaea gave rise to 7
continents of the world to cover 1/3rd
of the earth’s surface. Covering remaining
2/3rd of the plant’s surface are five
oceans which formed from the super ocean,
Panthalassa. Asia is the largest and
Australia the smallest on 7 continents list.
Each continent abounds in wonders and mysteries.
Let’s discover

Sr.No                         Continents                Area                               Population         Countries
1                               Asia                          44,579,000 sq. kms        3,879,000,333    47
2                               Africa                       30,065,000 sq. kms        1,032,600,256    57
3                               North America 24,256,000 sq. kms        528,720,588       23
4                               South America 17,819,000 sq. kms        387,489,196       12
5                               Antarctica                14,000,000 sq. kms         0                         0
6                               Europe                     9,938,000 sq. kms           739,165,030       50
7                               Australia                  7,687,000 sq. kms           31,260,000         3

Source: http://www.7continentslist.com